Property Sales - 12737693 - Building Plot in India, Rajasthan, Jaipur, Vaishali Nagar

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Building Plot for sale in Vaishali Nagar

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Property ID:
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Price :
Building Plot
Vaishali Nagar, India
09 Feb 2019
£ 210,364 / € 240,312 / $ 247,713

Short Description

The residential Land sale in Jaipur . It has proximity to major destinations of the city. The plot has access to social infrastructure comprising schools, hospitals, nursing homes, shopping arcades and adequate open greens. Maintenance and the free

Key Information

  • Property ID: 12737693
  • Location: Vaishali Nagar
  • Property Type: Building Plot
  • Prices: £ 210,364 / € 240,312 / $ 247,713

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  • India
  • Vaishali Nagar
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