Property Sales - 15588931 - Building Plot in India, Rajasthan, Barmer, Patodi

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Building Plot for sale in Patodi

Property Information

Property ID:
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Price :
Building Plot
Patodi, India
09 Feb 2019
£ 78,886 / € 90,117 / $ 92,892

Short Description

Plot for sale new township is coming up on prime , in Gurgaon Dwarka Expressway. Setting of this sector is wonderful and surrounding of this sector is fast developing. All major developers such as Metro is coming in just 200 meter away and Delhi Ai

Key Information

  • Property ID: 15588931
  • Location: Patodi
  • Property Type: Building Plot
  • Prices: £ 78,886 / € 90,117 / $ 92,892

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